Thursday, January 22, 2009


Moose ordered most of his books for school this semester online. Over the past week or so they have been trickling in one by one. Today he got his last book and found this inside of it:

Seriously - this is creepy. Pray that we don't get any wierd diseases from the book :-)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I'm so proud!

For those of you who knew me in college, you know that I was a big fan of the BYU newspaper, The Daily Universe. Today my brother, Doug, had his first two articles published in the paper! Check it out!
Great job, Doug!!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009


I know that this probably won't be the most exciting post in the world, but it's been a long time since I posted so I figured I just need to put SOMETHING up.

Today I found out about a terrible situation that one of my co-workers has found herself in. She is a very sweet, young teacher who just had a baby in September with her long-term boyfriend. They got engaged when they found out they were pregnant and were planning on getting married sometime soon. He had been pretty sick lately, but wasn't going to the doctor because he was recently laid off and didn't have health insurance (and since they weren't married he wasn't on her plan). Over the holidays he went to the emergency room where they said that they needed to take out his gallbladder (is that how you spell it) immediately. Once they opened him up they realized that there was much more wrong. His heart was inflamed and all of the valves were leaking and most of his major organs had begun to shut down. He passed away shortly after the surgery in the hospital. Now my co-worker is left with no claim to any of his life-insurance or property because they were not married. Luckily, his name is on the birth certificate, so the baby will be entitled to some of this.

I have not been able to stop thinking about this all day. I can't imagine suddenly losing Moose like that. I'm sitting here crying just thinking about it. I don't usually get this emotional in blogging, but I'm so overwhelmed with gratitude today for all that I have, and especially for Moose. We have only been married for almost a year, but I absolutely cannot imagine my life without him. He is so good to me and I love him so much. I am so glad that we are sealed in the temple and that we can be together forever.

On a lighter note, we had the wonderful opportunity to visit my family in California for Christmas this year. It was great to be able to spend almost 2 weeks there and for Moose to get to know them all (except for Scott on his mission) a little bit better. Moose and Scott have actually never met, so it will be kind of wierd when he gets home from his mission - we will have been married for a year and a half when he gets home! We had a great time over the holidays, got some great gifts, had a lot of fun, and didn't want to go back to work when we got home!
Since I don't talk about him very much, here are some pictures of Scott on his mission in Iowa.

Have a good weekend!