Yesterday started out as a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. I woke up in a bad mood, when I went to get dressed none of my clothes were cute or fit right, I had a ton of things that I needed to do (including write a talk for church the next day) and I didn't want to do any of them. Moose and I decided that we would go get our hair cut with a coupon that we got in the mail. Turns out the coupon was expired, but we got the hair cuts anyway. Bad idea. I knew from the second that I sat in the chair and she was rude to me that I shouldn't let her touch my hair, but for some reason I just sat there while she chopped and chopped and made snippy comments about how damaged and horrible she thought my hair was. The worst part is that when I told her that I didn't want her to cut any more off the front she told me that she hadn't cut any off the front at all, which was a blatant lie because I just watched her do it. I asked her why the front was 4 inches shorter than the back and she said that's how it was - it is just SO broken and damaged. PUH-LEASE old lady!!!! You're just crazy and trying to cover up your mistake. Luckily Moose had already paid at the front counter so I could let her know that I was very dissatisfied and make my dramatic exit.
After a few tears and then taking a shower and styling it myself, Moose helped me to realize that it's not as big of a disaster as it seemed - it just is really choppy, especially in the front. I decided to cheer myself up with a technique that my mother taught me - RETAIL THERAPY. For those of you who don't know this, spending money really can make you happy! Here are my purchases from yesterday. I know that some of them might not seem that exciting, but they really were to me.
After a few tears and then taking a shower and styling it myself, Moose helped me to realize that it's not as big of a disaster as it seemed - it just is really choppy, especially in the front. I decided to cheer myself up with a technique that my mother taught me - RETAIL THERAPY. For those of you who don't know this, spending money really can make you happy! Here are my purchases from yesterday. I know that some of them might not seem that exciting, but they really were to me.
Badly needed eye makeup remover.
I didn't believe that 5 blades could possibly be that much better than 4, but boy was I wrong!
TONS of new shampoo - gotta love Costco!!
I didn't believe that 5 blades could possibly be that much better than 4, but boy was I wrong!
TONS of new shampoo - gotta love Costco!!
Some really comfy sweat-shorts to wear around the house.
Some cute new jean shorts for the HOT summer in Vegas. I also think they'll come in handy on my trip to Texas next week.
A really cute brown swim cover-up dress thingy.
The book I've been dying to read - now I'll have something to do on the way to Texas!
In conclusion, retail therapy works!