Lately Zoe has been a picky eater. She used to eat anything we put in front of her, but the last few weeks she hasn't wanted to eat much of anything besides baby food, and even that was touch and go sometimes. We are getting pretty sick of her spitting her oatmeal back at us, so we keep trying new foods in hopes that she'll finally like something. Well, tonight we discovered that she likes fettucini with tomato cream sauce and italian turkey sausage. I guess it's really just glorified spaghetti :-) I made the pasta with tomato cream sauce recipe from the Pioneer Woman and just added some italian turkey sausage - delicious! After most bites Zoe was saying "YUM" and "MMMMM" and gobbled it all up. I even gave her seconds and she ate most of that. SUCCESS!

Check out those baby blues!

With a red goatee - just like daddy!

Look at those cute top teeth coming in!

Lately whenever she sees something new or exciting she makes this face and keeps saying "oooh" over and over again. It's hilarious - I'm glad that I finally got a picture of it.