Friday, September 12, 2008


A few days ago we accidentally got an ink stain on our couch from a ballpoint pen. It wasn't very big, just about a 2 inch line, but it was right in the middle of the cushion and it was pretty obvious. I tried to wash it out with water, but nothing happened. I looked online and found a website where a bunch of people said to use hand sanitizer on it. I was kind of skeptical and a little bit afraid that it would stain the couch, but I decided to try it. Seriously - it was like magic. I just put a small line of the hand sanitizer over the stain, then gently rubbed with a white towel and the stain was INSTANTLY gone! I didn't even have to rub hard at all - it just disappeared. I'm sure this will come in very handy when we have kids. Just thought I'd share since I know that lots of you have microfiber couches.


Bug said...

What a great tip. I found a tip online once to get permanent marker off our counter top. Just write over it with a white board marker and wipe. It came right off. I love cool tricks like that.

TheAlfonsos said...

The only cool trick I know like that is one you can only use once a year. You know when they mark the price of your Halloween pumpkin right on the pumpkin? Spray it with hairspray and it will wipe right off. Useful, huh?