That's right - it's snowing in Vegas - and not just a little bit! Every winter, people get all hyper and say that it's snowing when it's really just sleeting, so I didn't think anything of it when my students told me that it was snowing today. When I went out to my car, I believed them. It really snowed for a good 4 or 5 hours this afternoon and the weather guys say that it will keep going through the night. Seriously crazy. I had to document it. It was too cold for me to stay out very long, so you only get a few pics from right around my apartment.
This is our front door (the one on the bottom).
This is our front door (the one on the bottom).
Our very snowy sidewalk
Proof that I was there, in the snow.
Most important question - did you get a snow day at school?
YES!!! It was incredible! Who would have ever thought that there would be a snow day in Las Vegas?
Katie...its Jenni Seaman, one of Moose's friends from way back when :) I love your blog! Thanks for letting me check it out! You guys look so happy! hope you are both doing well!
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