Thursday, February 19, 2009

Finally, a Valentine's Post

Look at this delicious gift that my sweet husband got me for V-Day. It was SO delicious. I was very surprised and enjoyed it a lot.
We actually spent Valentines Day golfing with my brother-in-law Kaden and his wife Heather, my in-laws Jeff and Shelie, my sister-in-law Kami, and Moose's grandparents Hal and Beverly. Then we went and stuffed ourselves at the South Point Buffet. Romantic, eh? Just kidding - it was a very fun weekend. Unfortunately, my camera battery died right after the edible arrangement pictures, so I had to leave the picture taking to Heather. I know that she took a ton - now I just need to get them from her!

1 comment:

TheAlfonsos said...

Aww...your first Valentines as married people! Pretty fun, eh? Check out my blog for the update on how John and I spend our Valentines - it was pretty funny!